Refund and Returns Policy - Maven Academy

Refund and Returns Policy

This is the Returns and Refund Policy (Policy) by and between, the customer receiving training services (“Customer”), and MAVEN ACADEMY LLP. (“Maven”), registered under the LLP Act 2008 under the Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India (LLPIN: ABA-7251 ), having its principal office of business at 18/1, Old Bangaru Colony, 1st street, K.K. Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This Policy takes effect upon either signature of a Customer (which term hereinafter shall signify and include an individual client or any entity such as a business organization or an educational institution) or acceptance at the website or payment for or usage of the Training Services or Materials, each of which constitutes Customer’s agreement to the terms and conditions described hereunder.

This Policy of Maven Academy is conceived with the customer satisfaction in mind and with an overt focus on guarding the interests of the customer and includes a money-back guarantee that any customer can avail within three (3) days of signing up.


A. Money-Back Guarantee: 

When a customer arrives at a decision within three (3) days of full course fee payment and signing up for a course that pursuance of the course may not be feasible or not beneficial that individual may utilize this refund facility without assigning any reason.

A1: All customers (individuals / groups) signing up for any of the courses, membership schemes, masterclasses, or any other service offering become eligible to this automatically, with the exception of those described in A:3 below.

A2: Under this guarantee scheme a customer is allowed to claim refund of the course fee paid without assigning any reason whatsoever within three (3) days from the date of signing up and effecting full payment.

A3: In the case of those who have signed up for courses offered with installment payment options, the option for refund will be applicable for the first-installment payment only.

A4: However, before processing the request, the candidate will be given the choice to opt for a different batch, switch to an alternative course (after paying the difference in the fees), defer the pursuance of the course for a few months, or opt for any other alternative arrangement (subject to feasibility). When none of the above stated arrangements to be discussed with Maven’s Customer Support Team satisfy the customer, the refund payment request will be processed.

A5: The maximum amount that can be refunded under this scheme is limited to the actual amount credited to our bank account consequent to the payment made by the customer using either bank transfer, credit card, any other authorized method, or cash deposit, after making all deductions described under clause A:5.

A6: Deductions would include, but not limited to, the transaction charges levied by the credit card companies, payment handling agents, banks, GST, VAT, and any other tax liabilities, and other incidental charges/expenses Maven may have to incur to make the refund.



B: Regular Refund:

When an individual customer encounters a situation due to physical, social, or any other situation is unable to pursue a course or avail a service to which he/she has signed up, then the individual customer can submit a request for refund for consideration by Maven as per terms and conditions described under various sections of this policy.

B1: All individual customers signing up for any of the courses, membership schemes, masterclasses, or any other services become eligible to make a claim for refund of the course fee under this scheme, subject to the conditions described in the following sections.

B2: All individuals who decide to make a claim for refund of the course fee under this scheme will be first encouraged to have a discussion with our Customer Support Team so as to probe possibilities of satisfying the customer’s needs through alternative options described in clause B3.

B3: The candidate will be given the choice to choose a different batch, switch to an alternative course after paying the difference in the fees, defer the pursuance of the course for a few months, or any other alternative arrangement (subject to feasibility).

B4: The amount to be refunded will be calculated on a case-by-case basis depending on the level of course completion by the individual customer, as indicated in the learning management system for the fully recorded video courses. In case the course is designed to be delivered as live classes delivered online or through physical classes, the level of course completion by the individual customer will be calculated based on the last class attended as per the attendance records.

B5: Regardless of whether the payment mode is one-time payment or in installments, the course fee refundable to the customer will be the difference between the actual amount paid until the date of refund request, i.e., TB5, less the fees payable towards the percentage course completed by the candidate which is calculated as described in B4 above (TB4) and the standard deductions as described in B6 below (TB6). Refund Amount = TB5 – (TB4 + TB6).

B6: Deductions would include, but not limited to, the transaction charges levied by the credit card companies, payment handling agents, banks, GST, VAT, and any other tax liabilities, and other incidental charges/expenses Maven may have to incur to make the refund.



C. General Terms and Conditions:

The following subclauses describe the general terms and conditions that will govern the implementation of this Policy and the methodology that will be followed by Maven subject to the conditions already stated under clauses A & B and the respective subclauses listed above.

C1: The first step to initiate a refund under either of the schemes, viz., A: Money-Back Guarantee or B: Regular Refund, the customer is required to make a request in writing from the email address registered with Maven at the time of joining the course clearly stating the reasons for which he/she is not in a position to or unwilling to pursue with the course.

C2: The email request may be sent direct to our Support Group email for their consideration and acceptance. Request in any other form or through any other communication channel will not be entertained. Additionally, the customer will be required to make a declaration in writing indemnifying Maven of all liabilities and charges now and in the future before receiving the final settlement.

C3: All refunds will be paid via transfer to the same bank account or credit card account from which the initial payment was received and through the same channel. However, owing to the involvement of several agencies in transactions involving online payments, inherently there is an intervening period between the payment is made by the Payee to the agency / bank handling the payment and by the time the payment is actually credited to the Receivers bank accounts. Maven will do everything within its capacity and control to hasten the refund process but will not be held liable towards any delay that is beyond its reasonable administrative control.

C4: This Agreement will be governed by the laws of India, without regard to any provision of Indian law that would require or permit the application of the substantive law of any other jurisdiction. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of India, for any question or dispute arising out of or relating to this Policy. Due to the high costs and time involved in commercial litigation before a jury, the parties waive all rights to a jury trial concerning any issues in any action proceeding or arising out of or related to this Agreement.

C5: The provisions of this Policy will be deemed severable, and the unenforceability of any one or more provisions will not affect the enforceability of any other provisions. In addition, if any provision of this Policy, for any reason, is declared to be unenforceable, the parties will substitute an enforceable provision, to the maximum extent possible under applicable law, that preserves the original intentions and economic positions of the parties.

C6: Except for obligations to make payments, Maven will not be liable for any delay or failure to meet its obligations under this policy due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, i.e., under ‘Force Majeure’ conditions that could include but not limited to war, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, labor strikes, or lockouts, shortages, factory or other labor conditions, fire, flood, earthquake or storm.

C7: All notices to be given to a party under this Policy must be in writing, sent to the address above or to such other addresses as Customer or MAVEN may designate, by certified mail (return receipt requested), overnight courier, personal delivery, or confirmed email or facsimile.

C8: Maven has all the rights and is at liberty to modify or amend the terms of this Policy in its entirety or parts thereof, as it may deem fit from time to time in line with the laws or business conditions.

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