Awareness Course for ISO 9001 Standard - Maven Academy
Maven Musings

Awareness Course for ISO 9001 Standard

Published by admin - 1 year ago




This course covers the most recent version, viz., the ISO 9001:2015 version of the standard for implementing Quality Management Systems. This course will benefit all who wish to familiarize themselves with the ISO 9001 standard and its provisions for implementation in any industry, including students undergoing graduation / post-graduation studies in management systems. It will be a good starting point for those who wish to pursue a career as full-time or part-time auditors for management system standards implementation. ISO9001 is the most popular standard in the world with over 900,000 valid certificates in vogue today. Therefore, irrespective of the industry you wish to serve in or apply for a job, awareness of the ISO 9001 standard will boost your chances of gaining employment. For those of you who are already employed, this course will help in gaining an edge over your peers and will help set yourself apart as a star performer. Course is designed as a fully recorded video course divided into 16 short modules such that the whole course can be completed within one day. However, being a recorded video course the participants have the liberty to complete the course at a pace that suits their convenience. Course instructor is a senior engineering professional with several decades of managerial exposure to industrial operations. Having implemented the standard in various industries, he is currently serving as a consultant, an auditor, and a trainer for this and other ISO standards. The course covers the benefits, changes, and details of all the various clauses of the standard. Following is a list of the course modules

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